One of the things that sets Ozone apart is the fact it owns it’s own factory. Parapex was set up in Vietnam over 10 years ago. Experience from working in the paraglider industry and the issues with production and quality control meant that having complete control was the way forward. By controlling every step of the manufacturing process, you can ensure the quality and integrity of the products you create.
Another benefit of owning and operating your own production facility is that you can set it up and create the processes you require. Parapex is fully air conditioned, ventilated and exceptionally clean. All materials are stored in controlled climates to ensure consistency.
The staff are well trained and the focus is on attention to detail. The same high level of precision used when making paraglider wings and reserves is used on our kites. The fabric and lines used in production have to pass various rigorous inspections and quality controls before being used.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our products and the factory is a huge component of making this possible.
Read about our Ozone Factory Tour.

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